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Information for HR
The Philips 360 and Manager 180 are now available via self-administration processes. Your involvement is no longer needed to initiate one of these feedback tools for an individual. The system sends an automatic notification to the HR Business Partner partner once an individual has initiated one of these feedback surveys.

There are three feedback surveys available: the Philips 360 Leadership Asks, the Philips 360 Behaviors and the Manager 180. Please consult the HR portal article 'Philips Feedback Tools' for more information on each survey.

As HR, you have the opportunity to purchase individual licenses in multitude or launch a group/cohort.

Purchasing individual licenses allows for multiple individuals to initiate a feedback survey independent of each other, in a flexible timeframe. This option is suitable if you wish to facilitate ad hoc requests for feedback surveys centrally, by keeping a pre-selected amount of licenses at hand. After providing an individual with a license, they can start their feedback survey instantly after registering.

Launching a group/cohort is a suitable option when you wish to initiate a feedback survey for a pre-selected group of individuals in the same timeframe. You will be able to track progress and generate a group report for the group/cohort you created (minimum 8 complete surveys required for group report generation).

Getting started with the tool? Please use the button below to request HR access. If desired, a step-by-step process description from login to survey launch is provided in the HR portal article ‘Philips Feedback Tools.’

Whenever your credentials are in place, select Start Purchase option below to continue.

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